Aged bride: how to choose the right dress
How wonderful that now it is possible to become a bride at absolutely any age. No one condemns women who at an already quite respectable age decide to marry, find happiness with a man. This can not help but please.
At the same time, aged brides have certain doubts about how to choose the right wedding outfit. Yes, not everyone will fit models oriented to young and frank girls. Also age requires that certain rules be observed. Therefore, we have prepared for such brides a few useful tips.
The rules of choice for age brides
Let's say at once that we can only give recommendations. No one has the right to dictate to you what to wear at your own wedding, and whatnot. You can go to and choose for yourself one of the incredible outfits presented. Believe me, even women after 40 will look great in many of these models.
Observe the sense of proportion. The best solution is a simple and laconic dress. Therefore, from strange and extreme styles you better refuse. It is important to emphasize your excellent taste and make the image elegant. Age bride should be graceful and stylish;
Choose quality materials. Give preference to natural fabrics. Excellent will be silk, chiffon, satin. But it is better to refuse synthetic materials. The less they are in the wedding image, the better. Otherwise, your outfit will lack solidity;
Choose proven manufacturers. The quality of tailoring should also be high. Therefore, focus on proven and well-established specialists, online stores and brands;
Color palette. Snow-white dresses are a priority choice for young brides. If you are over 40, the best solution will be outfits of pastel light colors. Look out for wedding dresses of champagne color, aivory, beige, pearl. In them you will look great. To choose bright colors, approach very carefully. Otherwise, you can significantly spoil the delicate and romantic image of the bride;
Think through the style. Orient on the features of your own figure. You should have enough time before the wedding to find your option. Try to pick up everything as much as possible under the parameters of your own figure. Then the dress will be a great addition to your wedding image.
To complement the wedding dress, age brides are also important to think in detail about such elements as shoes, jewelry, cape and bouquet.
Each of these elements requires careful consideration. But it is necessary to start from what kind of dress you decide to wear on the wedding day. Modest and laconic outfits should be complemented with bright jewelry. If the dress itself is exquisite, then from the extra rings, earrings and bracelets it is better to refuse.